Sunday, March 05, 2006

1st Presupposition to Surface

I'm reading Brian McLaren's A Generous Orthodoxy. I'm finding it to be the perfect place to start tilling the ground where my own presuppositions are concerned. There is a lot in the forwards and introduction, and Chapter 0 that has stirred things up and got me thinking, but this statement has me captivated:

For too many people the name Jesus has become a symbol of exclusion, as if Jesus' statement, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me," actually means, "I am in the way of people seeking truth and life. I won't let anyone get to God unless he comes through me." The name of Jesus, whose life and message resonated with acceptance, welcome and inclusion, has too often become a symbol of elitism, exclusion and aggression. (McLaren, 78)

(There is obviously a context for this statement by McLaren that I am neglecting to reiterate here. This is probably the last time I'll include this disclaimer, hence the reference information.)

I realize that:

  1. This is what I have assumed Jesus' statement means, which has led me to predictable questions like the one about the natives in the rainforest who never hear the gospel.
  2. There is something about this view of this verse that has never set right with me, but I could never put my finger on it. I was taught that Jesus is the only way, period. (Read: If you don't hear the gospel and "get saved" you have no access to God, not even to have your prayers heard. Because, obviously, the only prayer God hears from a "sinner" is the prayer of repentance.)
  3. This is the first presupposition to be unearthed in this journey that I now realize I have spent 20 years struggling to believe.

This is one of the tough questions for me. I am dissatisfied and frankly annoyed with those who have the simple answer to this one. I'll be working on it.

In the meantime, no answers. Just wondering. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

katrice said...

Jesus is the Way. But he's able to present Himself to all of mankind in infinite ways. He can meet a native in the rainforest just as He can meet a Wall Street businessman on the subway or a pastor in a pulpit. His word is not limited to a leatherbound King James, for He is the Word. His story is not bound to a point in History, because from before the beginning, He is.

We like to give Jesus to people in the package we received Him in. He and she who win souls are wise. Jesus is THE way, not MY version of the way. We need to see that everyone else's experience of God's love won't mirror ours. And that's refreshing!

Nature reveals to us that God is nothing if not diverse and creative.

Just my thoughts...