Saturday, March 18, 2006

So Much to Read, So Little....Money!

I am knee deep in A Generous Orthodoxy and planning to post my responses to some of the most intriguing discussion questions I've encountered so far. I look forward to a dialogue with those who are reading it or have read it. Please post, even...especially if you're just surfing in.

But, reading this has whet my appetite to read so much more. The problem, I have had to ban myself from the bookstore because I have far exceeded my book budget for...months! While I can understand the practical suggestion to get a library card, that just doesn't work for me. I'm not that kind of reader. I need my own book to break in, mark up (should that be necessary), dog-ear, and ultimately to refer to in the months and years to come. Borrowing just won't do. So, instead, I've chosen to be presumptuous enough to post a link to my Wish List on

Should you feel inclined to furnish more kindling for this fire burning within me, it would be so cool, not to mention kind and generous. (Or you can just check it out to see what things have been stirred up in me).

OK, enough said. Here it is:


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